
Great Talent Needs Your Financial Support

GOAL Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.  We welcome gifts and contributions of all sizes. Please consider a tax-deductible gift, a monthly donation, or sponsoring a player today. You can click the blue DONATE button and make a one-time or monthly donation by credit card, PayPal, or Venmo or send a check to our office at 16 South St, Suite 762, Litchfield, CT 06759. Please give generously — whatever you can — and thank you for your support.

Receipts of your donation(s) are confirmed by email.

Why Donate?

Your tax-deductible donation will provide give the gift of hope to talented players and support our advanced programming, helping our initiative to fight the Pay-To-Play system and reduce the financial barriers — creating a more inclusive opportunity for elite players to take their game to the next level.

How Is The Money Used?

Our mission is to provide fully funded roster spots for talented players to train abroad — Your 100% tax deductible donation can be restricted (which means that the funds are designated to support the donor’s requested program or the player development of a specific player) or unrestricted  (which allows the donation to support our general programming). You can let us know by email if you prefer your gift to be restricted and, if so, how your funds will be applied.

Why Give Monthly

We want to genuinely thank you for considering giving $25, $50, $100 or more per month to support our elite players — each donation makes a difference.

An ongoing monthly gift can change the future of a talented player and can be directed to support their academic or athletic life.

Please complete the form on this page — you can always cancel or stop your contributions whenever you wish.  Here are three reasons to give monthly:

It’s Affordable

By giving monthly, you choose how much you want to give and make an incredible impact over the course of the year. 

Sustained Support

Your monthly donation allows us provide real support for our players and their dreams. 

Every Dollar Makes A Difference

Your contribution helps us reach our Annual Fund Goal. We want to remove the barrier of Pay-To-Play that stops to many talented players from developing their skills. We want to give as many youth soccer players the chance to participate in International Soccer Academy programs as possible.

“Our future goal is to raise enough donations to offer every player on the team a full-ride scholarship,” said Eddie Loewen, cofounder of International Soccer Academy and member of the Board GOAL Foundation, Inc.


Let’s create meaningful
opportunities and real change.